Testimonials about CoRe 6 software


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Yes, really great!  And that’s an understatement!

Thanks so much for all your work, Kiran, and to let us develop our skills through Core6…

Magic, joy, and so much relevance!

see you soon,




Dear Kiran,

First of all I would like  to tell you how grateful I am that  you invented the core system.

I never posted a comment yet, although I am already using the core for several years, and have traeted over 400 patient with it ,with amazing results.

I almost don’t dare to tell you, that I   liked the Core  4 the best and it was hard for me to get used to the Core 5, but finally I managed to work with it and here comes Core 6!!

It is amazing how good it is and I have no words to express my admiration.





Dear Kiran,

I would like to thank you and your team from the bottom of my heart for making CoRe 6 and everything associated with it possible! When I first looked at CoRe 6, I was really amazed at all its possibilities and the greatness of it all. Actually, flabbergasted is a better word! I was so overwhelmed that I only took a quick look and then I went to sit down on the sofa… with a feeling of utter thankfulness that I am allowed to work with such an advanced, spiritual, magical and very important means to get the necessary information of a client for his/her healing. Then I started crying because it touched my soul, and I felt deeply humble.

Warm regards,










With core 6,0 all persons involved have made a fantastic achievement. Many thanks!


With the addition of “therapy issue” to the sessions they are now easier to follow. For the German speaking users who love a good oversight a real advantage. For me particularly impressive however is the virtual doctor. Here enormous possibilities have been opened. I have many patients, who either live far away or who can almost not spare the time to come to the practice. In some cases whole families! Email or telephone was sufficient for these with core 5,0 in order to make an analysis, run a communication, if necessary to send them a report by email or to later discuss the results with them by telephone. Not always recommendable however sometimes the client needs this so that he contributes his “part” to the therapy and adjusts accordingly or even changes his way of life. And the effects were exactly the same as when the client came to the practice.

With core 6,0 and the virtual doctor however one has additional very valuable new possibilities. The “treatment” can be conveyed to the client as well as treatment recommendations automatically. The treatment can be supplemented when desired with a frequency treatment and the client can hear this only as sound or if he has a Health Integrator (the therapist can make one available on hire or it can be bought by the client – very recommendable with chronic illnesses) the client then has all energetic possibilities for his treatment. Future music, which has already been composed (programmed).


I have spoken to many Inergetix – CoRe users in the last few months. Particularly with those who are using different newer therapies and the general opinion is that the „Spiritual“ must and will find its place in modern medicine in the longrun. Inergetix CoRe goes in this direction already although one is not forced to use it. But not everyone has reached this stage. I am convinced that both Dr. Albert Abrams as well as Ruth Drown who founded the beginnings of today’s modern informational medicine would have finally gone in the same direction and would be overjoyed that CoRe 6,0 is now available. I have only mentioned a few points regarding the new CoRe 6,0 but can recommend everyone to go on a “discovery journey”. Once again many sincere thanks and kind regards






Mit CoRe 6.0 haben alle Beteiligten Gewaltiges geleistet. Herzlichen Dank!

Mit der Aufteilung der Sitzungen in “Therapieanliegen” sind die Sitzungen viel übersichlicher geworden. Für die ordnungsliebenden Deutschsprachigen ein wirkliches Segen.

Für mich besonders beeindrückend ist aber der virtuelle Doktor. Hier eröffnen sich enorme Möglichkeiten. Ich selbst habe viele Patienten, die entweder weit weg wohnen oder die Zeit schwerlich entbehren können in die Praxis zu kommen. Gar ganze Familien! Email oder Telefon haben bei CoRe 5.0 genügt, um eine Analyse zu machen, eine Kommunikation einzurichten, gegebenenfalls einen Bericht für den Klient ausdrucken und ihm diesen per Email zuzustellen oder nachträglich mit ihm die Ergebnisse telefonisch zu besprechen. Nicht immer empfehlenswert aber manchmal muss der Klient auch seinen “Teil” zu der Therapie dazutragen und sich entsprechend verhalten oder sein Verhalten ändern oder anpassen. Und die Wirkungen waren genau gleich wie wenn der Klient in die Praxis gekommen wäre.

Mit CoRe 6.0 und dem virtuellen Doktor jedoch hat man zusätzliche sehr wertvolle neue Möglichkeiten. Die “Behandlung” kann dem Klient  zusammen mit Behandlungsempfehlungen automatisch übermittelt werden. Die Behandlung kann auf Wunsch mit einer Frequenzbehandlung ergänzt werden und der Klient kann diese nur als Klang ausführen oder wenn er über den Health Integrator verfügt (kann vom Therapeut mietweise zur Verfügung gestellt werden oder vom Klient – sehr empfehlenswert bei chronischen Erkrankungen – käuflich erworben werden) stehen ihm sämtliche energetischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Zukunftsmusik, die schon komponiert (spr. programmiert) worden ist

Ich habe in den letzten Monaten mit vielen Inergetix –CoRe-Anwender gesprochen. Vor allem mit denjenigen, die auch anderen neueren Therapien anwenden und die Meinung ist generell so, dass das Spirituelle je länger je mehr Platz in der modernen Medizin finden muss und wird. Auch Inergetix CoRe geht in diese Richtung auch wenn man nicht gezwungen wird das Spirituelle miteinzubeziehen. Nicht jeder ist schon so weit.

Ich bin überzeugt, dass sowohl Dr. Albert Abrams wie auch Ruth Drown, die wenn man so will die “Grundsteinlegung” der heutigen modernen Informations-Medizin gelegt haben auch schliesslich in die gleiche Richtung gegangen wären und sich über das heute vorliegende CoRe 6.0 genau so freuen würden wie ich.

Ich habe nur wenige Punkte aus dem neuen CoRe 6.0 erwähnt, kann aber jedem empfehlen selbst auf “Entdeckungsreise” zu gehen.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank und schöne Grüsse





Hallo Kiran


Seit ca. 4 Wochen benutze ich nun die neue Version 6.0 und ich bin begeistert. Vor allem die automatische Vorauswahl der Ebenen bei der Analyse und die „spirituellen Ergänzungen“ und Frequenztherapie bei der Kommunikation finde ich nicht nur treffend sondern wertvoll.

Der Zusatz mit der Verbindung der traditionellen Medizin ist auch gelungen. Auch die Änderung der automatischen Kommunikation ist spitze und jetzt viel übersichtlicher.


Sehr gut auch die neue Frequenztherapie im DUAL Mode. Die händische Auswahl der Einstellung fällt weg, es werden die resonierenden Einstellungen abgefragt und sind schon eingestellt, dadurch erzielt man optimale Behandlungen.


Auch das neue EMDR Programm begeistert mich, das vor allem durch die verschieden einstellbaren Richtungen der Augenbewegung positiv auffällt. Wunderbar einfach, da auch das übertragen der von Core ausgesuchten resonierenden Affirmationen automatisch geschieht.

Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, das es Therapeuten gibt, die dieses wunderbare Werkzeug missen möchten.


Noch ein etwas „anrüchiger“ Bericht aus meiner Praxis:

Eine Dame die bei mir in Behandlung ist, fragt mich, ob ich nicht auch ihren Hund Tamea

mit Core Inergetix behandeln könne. Dieser Hund ist zwar sehr lieb, aber er pinkelt immer auf den Teppich im Zimmer. Hatte schon eine Tierpsychologin und eine Energieseherin bemüht – ohne Erfolg. Ich habe den Hund analysiert und 1 Monat besendet. Schon nach 10 Tagen die SMS: ein Wunder ist passiert, seit der Besendung kein einziges mal auf den Teppich gepinkelt. Nach einem Monat die Nachricht per Email: Seid Tamea besendet wird hat sie kein einziges mal in die Wohnung gepinkelt.


From : Joan/ Australia – My Journey with CoRe 6

Dual Frequency

My clients will always listen to CoRe over what I might be saying so now when it says treat for one hour they are more willing to stay for longer treatments. I am yet to fully understand phase but from the DLE for length of time each frequency is delivered, the variance in intensity between the hand grips as well as a different frequency in each channel I am so far seeing quicker changes for clients with acute conditions.

Communicate via Methods.

This is a beautiful option giving us direct access to a single resonance with the option to enter a potency.  Nice.

Evaluation of Groups

Being able to select resonances within Groups I am finding useful.  Helps refine results to gain a more client specific view.


Great time saver. I found that building my protocols from All Groups, or first putting all the groups I wanted in a Protocol in one screen gave me a more productive result.


I am getting lots of DLE as I journey through the many new aspects of CoRe 6. I find my way, get lost, and begin again.

The journey continues…..


Dear Kiran,

I have been exploring the new capabilities of the 6.0 system and I find it ever so easier to use and beautiful to look at. Beauty is harmony and DLE manifest, so it is important to have it as part of the entire process.
What I am really enjoying is creating my own Protocols. Now I can quickly check many parameters on a theme and get them all up on a report, without the lengthy evaluation process I used to apply before. It is also giving me ideas for new ways to create evaluations either on a specific topic or by comparing many relevant screens easily. When they are part of the protocol I don’t have to look for them among the many screens and I no longer forget some of the important groups I could have also added to an analysis.
But most of all, I am delighted by the ability to offer my clients their results through the internet! For a number of years now I have been trying to figure out a way to make remedies or therapy accessible through the internet for my clients, without having to use email and recordings and so on. This new addition to our work with the CoRe, the 6.0’s feature of uploading the treatments onto the web, not only saves me time from creating daily auto-treatments and timing them in the best way for the client, but the client can now access the treatment directly and at any time of day or night and as often as they like. It is both very professionally presented and easy to use and I will be offering it regularly to my clients.
And now about the frequencies, the way it is set up now is just great for those of us who are not well versed in how best to set up frequency treatments for the client. The choice of wave form, timing and so on was always a bit of a difficulty for me. Now that it has been automated and the CoRe can tell me the most resonant for of treatment and frequencies for the client, I feel more confident in using those regularly in my practice.
I am sure that the many users who are not extensively trained in holistic medicine will find it much easier now to look into their client’s or loved one’s situation and quickly find a treatment that will start the healing process right away. In the 6.0 I find a particular balance between the ability to analyze better and configure the system for professional use and at the same time, ease of use and effectiveness for those who are not well versed in medicine. This is definitely an improvement and will create relief and satisfaction for all users.
I am still exploring and trying things out, so I hope to read about other users’ experiences to enrich my own use of the 6.0.









Ati Petrov DHHP

“The way to the heart is through the head. Love is no exception.”



Subject: RE: new CoRe 6 build


Thanks Dmitry,


Tested and all working well.  Core 6 is magical and much of that is thanks to your wonderful programming skills.  Please know that your input into Kiran’s creation is appreciated by us the end users.  You have given us so many options and very much enhanced our ability to present to our clients possibilities for them to experience at depth the beauties of CoRe.

Thanks again,


Joan Shadbolt




About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.


  1. For myself, 2 things happened. First was my reluctance to sleep at normal times made me sleep after 2 to 4 am everyday for more than 3 years. At times no sleep at all. So waking in the morning was always a hassle. After 1 session with CoRe 6 I am back to normal sleep pattern. Co-incidence? Secondly, CoRe 6 helped me with a newborn kitten whose constant crys prevented me from sleeping. I had to sleep out of my bedroom. The kitten disappeared on the 3rd day after a session asking for divine help. Co-incidence?
    A client had a congested nose which cleared magically on hitting the communicate button. It returned and then got better again. Another client presented with a large hard lump under her right ear. Client was scheduled for surgery in 3 days. The surgeon was surprised to find only blackish fluids, no tumour mass. Co-incidence?
    We need more co-incidences like these nowadays and the Inergetix CoRe as the tool to facilitate them.

  2. Dear Kiran,
    I would like to thank you and everyone involved in making CoRe 6 and everything associated with this fantastic program possible!
    We, all users in Australia have also had allot of help from Ezio and Sandra when we have had questions, and needed different programs activated, thank you Ezio and Sandra.
    We have all known that with “CoRe “anything is possible, but now “everything is possible”.
    The virtual doctor is great as it makes our sessions for my country clients that cannot always come to see me personally easier for them. I can send them their treatment via email, and the client can listen to the healing vibrations via headset or from the computer speakers. I have also been able to lend the Health Integrator to many of my clients for home treatment. This opens up even more opportunities for healing.
    I find that with the new therapy issue, the sessions are much easier to follow
    I also found the dual frequency excellent to work with and have seen many changes with my clients at a much faster pace than before.
    I have also used the EMDR, which, I thought could not be improved upon from v5 as it was really great, but it is improved, my clients and I have been able to feel a sense of calm when we use the headset with the music in v6. We feel that the sounds are travelling from ear to ear creating some DLE for the brain and ones focus abilities.
    We are also using the EDM-TCM module and are working our way around that program, I have been working with an acupuncturist and comparing notes and he was amazed at how accurate and precise this module is.
    I have also been working with v6 and the plasma generator with our small white dog and have found that a bacterial infection in the ear of one of them had cleared up very quickly, much to our veterinarians surprise.
    Since I have been using CoRe v5 and v6, I have witnessed many healings, on many different levels for many different health issues, and I am sure now that with our spiritual component of the v6 that we are heading in the right direction to be able to help many people/animals heal on every level.
    With Gratitude
    Katherine Tassioulas

  3. Dear Kiran,
    We just had the seminar here in Budapest. It turn out to be a great success,. The Bio-LeasER and the Core 6 has a huge reputation and interest, the great possibilities were soon recognized by the participants. The Core 6 opened some new ways towards informational healing: the light and dark side, the quadtrinity concept, the new communication window and so on.
    The Core 6 now capable to serve very extensive usage. All kind of practitioners can find very useful things: like those who concentrate on diseases: the relational protocol, or the practitioners more focusing on mental issues: the EMDR module or those who has knowledge about Chinese medicine: the TCM module.

    Due to these new features a lot of Hungarian practitioners with 5.0 till now order the 6.0 upgrade – most of them together with the ECM/TCM modul. The ECM/TCM gives them a totally new way of analysis and very convenient way of treatment. Who is not an expert in this field now has a great help to learn better TCM with the detailed graphics and descriptions of meridians, acupuncture points, five elements.
    The very nice and helpful report of this module is a big bonus too.

    Another very popular addition is the Virtual Doctor. Most practitioners have a plan to introduce this convenient, home treatment to the patients living far away. Of course with Virtual Doctor they can broaden the circle of his/her patients. Weather you like it or not this is the trend now. More and more things can be done without personal contact and I think it is very much fit into the concept of informational healing as it is independent from time and space. We can feel the complete trust towards another person even if she/he is far away. What a great vision!

    And the new communication window: we experienced that people very easily understand the concept of light and dark side, and didn’t get any suggestions about excluding the dark side. Energetic carrier can really deepen the effect of informational therapy.

    Some Hungarian practitioner works with a huge number of patients daily and the total time of analysis is a main issue for them. They are more than happy with the custom protocol setup, which can save precious time for treatments.

    Thanks to all for this great development!

    Pal and Agnes from Hungary

    Kiran’s response

    Dear Pal and Agnes – thank you for providing the CORE in the South-East of Europe for CoRe information and for organizing such a good seminar

    please be more active on the Forum


  4. Dear Kiran and the Health Navigator team,
    I have been testing out the new version 6 on hundreds of people and the results are really amazing! The information the systems gives is really valuable and transforming for the person in question. I have the idea that the ‘magnetic therapy’ is stronger than before (in version 5), don’t ask me why or how you did this?? I just see the amazing effects on my clients. Also the new TCM module gives good insight in which meridian points to treat. And after a session you can see already the results of the treatment. I’m looking forward to my BBR-system (Bioresonance-BioLaesEr) to treat as many people and see the wonderful effects of this amazing new device. The new Bioresonance system is far out the most advanced I have seen. I cannot hardly wait to get started …

    Kiran’s response :

    Thank you Jerry – you had a difficult start in a flat terrain like Holland where everyone knows everything about everybody who stick his head above the average and where reputation is easily ruined because one person makes a few bad moves – as has happened in the Netherlands – but you have pulled the boat out and the last seminar was infused with a very positive spirit – please keep on posting

  5. A versão está muito surpreendente, pela facilidade de utilização, inovações, integração entre a terapia informacional e energética, e a personalização do sistema com a possibilidade de criação dos protocolos ou das ressonâncias. Tem uma versatilidade incrível, podendo atender uma gama muito grande de profissionais.
    A avaliação dos campos facilitou muito, diminuiu o tempo de avaliação, e saber exatamente qual o melhor campo de avaliação é fantástico.
    Ter em uma única tela as comunicações, EMDR, Terapia de Freqüência facilitou muito a forma de realizar as terapias.
    A terapia de frequência com duplo canal permite trabalhar e ter um melhor resultado, porque fazemos o equilíbrio yin/yang no nível energético.
    O módulo EDS-TCM também surpreende pela inovação e pela leitura informacional, alguns profissionais de acupuntura que apresentamos o sistema ficarão muito impressionados pela inovação da leitura.
    O que tenho percebido é que temos obtidos resultados mais rápidos com a nova versão. Isso é muito importante para que já está precisando de uma solução para seus desequilíbrios.
    Como vivemos numa matriz informacional, interconectados e em sincronicidade com tudo e todos. Ficamos ou tornamos desequilibrados porque perdemos as conexões ou temos as conexões erradas, o Core nos reconecta de forma correta, e a versão 6 possibilita isso com mais rapidez.
    Kiran obrigado pela sua luz !!


    Sorry Edson – I did not see this comment – thank you for the great seminar in Curitiba – greetings from Campinas

  6. Dear Health Navigator team – I thank you all

    Core 6 is magical and much of that is thanks to your wonderful programming skills. I personally value your input into Kiran’s creation. You have given us so many options, and have enhanced our ability to present to our clients possibilities to experience at depth the beauties of CoRe. The ongoing fine tuning brings more enhancements for us to use. With each update I find something that was not there before. Your recent adjustment to how we can now load frequencies has helped me have a more organised database. I am very grateful, and I thank you.

    Protocols are proving very time saving and most of my evaluating is now done this way. It has meant developing a lot of new screens to section the database to meet my objectives. I still have more work to do here to cover further situations specific to clients. Protocols are truly time saving.

    From METHODS, COMMUNICATE I am using for some Organ Balancing where I want to communicate to the whole organ and have the benefits of carrier frequency, light dark etc. I am also here using this option to add my touch to what is communicated. I am not a Homeopath so I am using the potency option to add things like say if I am treating a burn with Aloe Vera I will add in the potency option a direction to the location of the burn or for a deep emotional issue I may use the potency option to direct the remedy to the inner child. Being able to potenise each resonance differently does extent your range of possibilities.

    Skins – With the latest updates I am having fun with changing backgrounds, skins, icons. With my image selection set to random it’s a nice daily dose of DLE to see what comes forth. With screen images, to have more than one picture as Kiran has on many of his screens I am using PowerPoint to build my screen image and saving the slide as a JPEG image before importing into CoRe.

    Recordings – I am finding that clients are willing to listen to recordings of frequencies (using Sine wave) so I am using this option often. A ten minute recording is small enough to email.

    The Dual Frequency option that evaluates for resonant settings is bringing noticeable quicker relief for clients with acute issues. Often I find that Core is suggesting many short sessions at different settings.

    Single resonance selection. Being able to have a very focused access to select resonances to evaluate from within groups is assisting in building a picture for my clients. It is simple to now take the top result from one evaluation to include it in the next.

    So it is now about 5 months since the release of CoRe 6 and it is ticking over nicely with refinements constantly being added. I am finding it filled with options, potential and still much to understand (especially Quadtrinity). Here I have indicated some of the ways that I am using CoRe. Please help me keep a conversation going by adding your insights or even questions. Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of sharing CoRe 6 with several of the local users and we have all learnt from each other. Here we have the tools in this forum to make that sharing a global event.

    Joan Shadbolt,

Reply To Patric Cancel Reply

Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt