Health Navigator導電纖維電極


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Applicatore cuscinetto con tessuto conduttivo puro argento

Health Navigator不僅在改善這些問題上更進一步,而且還提供墊片和手帶,用於提供和測量導電材料所需電信號,這種導電材料是由德國進口銀絲製成的新型纖維。可機洗,用尼龍褡褳調節鬆緊。這種導電材料因為與身體完美的貼合而導電性良好。

Applicatore cuscinetto con retro bianco lavabile

 這個墊片可以用於給腳部、頭部或任何可以用墊片的部位進行測量或提供電流。在使用Health Integrator 或 Health Navigator的REF輸出口時,墊片非常適用于與腳部連接,因為腳是我們與地接觸的部位,很多經絡在那裡開始或結束,因此腳部是連接人體能量系統的自然連接點。

頭帶Head-band 額頭是另一個讀取能量的自然連接點。與傳統的EEG(腦電波儀)測量不同,CoRe系統更進一步,它也可以提供由系統的信息部份形成的頻率,或甚至可以反饋由LaesEr Bioresonance(LaesEr生物共振)系統測量的共振Eigen-frequencies(Eigen頻率)。效果驚人-至少可以這樣說。說到現代醫學直到今天都非常有用的儀器——腦電波儀(Electro encephalography)和心電圖儀(Electro-cardiography)無外乎用於診斷,治療限於藥物治療,取代了也可以測量信號用於治療的自然步驟。現在用新的傳導應用與CoRe系統一起,有可能實現藥物治療與自然治療相結合,很快LaesEr Bioresoance系統也可以加入進來。



這些腕帶在Radio Shack售價僅幾美元,但是在許多設備上并沒有適當的貼合,它只是用實際上完全不存在的電流測量值來吸引客戶。特別的是與LaesEr Bioresoance系統一起就避免了這個問題,因為如果連接適當,它非常的靈敏,可以提取,顯示,以及為心電圖提供非常好的電流頻率詳情。


applicatore polso

注意:請將導電纖維置於你的貓咪不能接觸的地方,不要用尼龍褡褳的粘面接觸纖維,因為它編織的很細。請不要用開水機洗或手洗。如果您想用在任何前板上沒有光譜的Health Navigator上使用塗抹器,請詳細說明,這樣我們可以寄給您可以適用於所有塗抹器的轉換器。


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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt