LaesEr-Bioresonance realizing “elevated resonance”


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Summary: The LaesEr Bioresoance System differs first from all other on the market in that it uses measurable and sensible energies. Secondly it uses a new Principle that I call E-resonance which stands for Elevated-Resonance.

LaesEr is the acronym for Life Amplification by Energy Stimulation & Elevated Resonance.

It is common understanding that in order to transmit energy it is necessary to find a resonant frequency.

The first type of resonance, the one given in schoolbooks, which I will call Energizing Resonance, is that of the opera singer that knows so well how to tune into a resonant frequency that he can make a glass shatter with pure sound is given.

Without further thought this principle is taken to be the principle of successful frequency therapy as well. Even Rife believed that blowing up viruses is the way to heal and the reason why he saw many good effects by radiating people with individual frequencies. Likewise the allopathic idea of Bioresonance philosophy was teaching that cure was the result of finding an inverted frequency pattern to which the client would resonate, in order to cancel any imaginary “pathogenic” frequencies.

I questioned it if is really the best approach in general and in holistic medicine in particular, like in Radiotherapy or when microwaving a piece of meat, to tune into that frequency where the absorption of the tissue is highest so it will heat up the quickest. This approach is like bombarding someone with energy, chemicals or information where he has no ability to reflect and instead has to absorb it all, until in some case he explodes just as the glass above.

Instead I was looking at example in nature that showed a more healthy and less self-destructive form of resonance and actually found it in hundreds of examples. The general essence of resonance (is not the extreme of 100% absorption) but that an object is able to partially absorb the matter/energy/information applied to it and reflect the other part.

The spectrum between 100% resonance to non-resonance is given by all the degrees of possible reflection. From our Outward-based cultural view point it was omitted to see – that part of the reflection comes back to the emitter of the matter/energy/information (MEI) and the emitter in itself reflects part of the reflected MEI back to the object establishing a loop. If the resonance degrees of object or emitter are not matching either eventually the Object “overheats” by the amount of reflected MEI or the emitter. Engineering is full of challenges that are about matching sender and receiver in a way that the desired effect is achieved.

Only a fraction of all technical problems asks for a 100% resonance of the receiver, like in the microwave or opera-singer example that is always given as the archetypal example.

The second form of resonance that I call “Entrainment Resonance” is the result of matching where energy is reflected back and forth between emitter and receiver and thus a ping-pong-effect is established. Every input MEI is trapped, like in a cavity, and in the end is turned into heat, or another form of undirected energy – there is hardly any “loss” of MEI to the environment anymore – the objects are is “entangled”.

This entrainment Resonance is the basis for countless closed loops in thought, emotion, physiological processes and relationship that in the end lead to stagnation and the need for illness to come in to break the dependence.


With respect to ideas the same affect will lead to an overemphasis of generalization, paradigm, dogmatism, buro-cracy, formalism, need for protocols, rules, generic solutions, autism. Repeated activities that once have proven to be beneficial or enjoyable will turn into habits, pattern, compulsions. In the field of physiological processes this is seen in less flexibility to react to outside impulses, immune-diseases, hypersensitivities, allergies, addictions,


In relationships it often follows the following EN-pattern : Entertained -> enchanted -> entranced -> engaged -> entrained -> entrapped and eventually enslaved.


This is not limited to husband and wife relationships but often also happens in Mother-child relationships and would happen much more often it nature would not have programmed seemingly wild methods into the psychology of children to break free of this cycle – we call this adolescent behavior.


Also in the relationship to the social environment such cycles lead to fear of loosing a job, reputation, security and are expressed in conservatism, competitiveness, loneliness, imitative behavior, dialects, customs, that whenever they become too fixed are the cause that disease has to come in to break the vicious cycle. Likewise most religious practices have crystallized to this entrainment level.


The 3rd and luckily most common form of resonance involves not only 2 parts but 3 this is the reason. Our Logo contains this in the form of the Sierpinski triangle, a Hologram that is generated by an infinite number of trinities. I call this form the “Elevated resonance” or enlivening, encouraging, enabled resonance. Different then the second it contains a third element, that elevates or enhances the form of resonance that is occurring.

One of the best known examples for this kind of Resonance is the LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (however this acronym does not describe the essence of the laser-phenomenon as under this definition even blowing air into a fire would make a laser as Light is Amplified by Stimulating the Emission by blowing air into the fire)

The fact that makes a LASER different from a fire or a light bulb however, is the fact that it contains besides an emitter (Pump) and a receiver (Medium) means by which the MEI is fed back to and from a third element. In an ordinary Laser this is achieved with 2 mirrors that form the resonator, without the resonator it would simply be a light bulb or LED


The Laser-Resonance that I called the “elevated resonance” is very different from the second form of resonance in many ways particularly in that it can create enormous amounts of light without significant amounts of heat, which in general is an aspect of the second type of resonance. The form of Light or energy it creates has several exceptional qualities.

The LASER principle is the archetypal expression of this third type of resonance that is the basis of the great majority of processes in nature and healing and that I have re-coined in the more appropriate acronym of LaesEr that is the basic principle of the new LaesEr-Bioresonance device.

TO summarize :

A) it is not enough to stimulate with neutral energy as it is done in almost all energetic forms of therapy – be it complementary or conventional – but external energy has to be merged with internal energy, in a feedback loop, to be effective

B) the idea it would be healing to only feed back an inverted signal, as is the idea in conventional Bioresonance, is allopathic.

C) The new LaesEr Bioresonance system integrates – Energy stimulation – with Elevated response



About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

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I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

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Kiran Schmidt