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I am excited to share this latest development that is showing another use of the Bio-LaesEr that is astonishing.
I have done quite some research online but I do not find one source that reports what we are able to recreate for every patient :
Stimulation of color vision via electric impulses to the skin or TENS
This is a phenomenon on that to my knowledge has only been observed with drug. Also be aware that all these vivid experiences of colors and pattern are happening with closed eyes while the outside blinking light is only white – this means we do not have a physical effect but a physiological one where the brain makes an interpretation of the physical stimulus that is totally client specific
Moreover every client tested so far has not only enjoyed the experience very much but also is experiencing an inner calm and happiness with more energy for quite some time after the treatment has finished.
I am sure we will see stunning applications for this treatment for Depression, drug addiction, SAD, mood swings and bipolar to name only a few.
how to set the Bioresonance LaesEr system :
1. Amplification switch to 1 and turn the left knob all the way to the left
2. The upper switch to the Therapy mode
3. Select Inversion
4. plugin only one foot-electrode into body-signal and do NOT connect REF
5. plugin a feedback pad or hand electrode in Ch2 of the Health Integrator
6. have the client hold the electrode with finger tips or apply to forehead or solar plexus
7. put the feet on the foot-electrodes and press the electrode pad on the solar plexus
8. turn the middle knob so you see the desired application amplitude on the right LED bar
9. plugin the LED glasses
10. turn the left knob so the LED glasses start to blink
11. adjust the blinking rate with the left knob until the client gets the strongest visual effects
Debora is always my first test person – don’t worry eventually we switch on the light
and here I give the explanation what settings to use
here Fabiani – she had a few treatments since Nov 2011 – lost 20 kg , looks and feels totally different
judge for your self if you compare it with this video
(However she still has the 3 scars from the little burn on the first treatment – but it is just like the scar that a vaccination can leave and
for this reason it is important to have every client sign a disclaimer
and next is our gardener that always needs to test my new ideas
and Marcelo our musician friend
here you see Marcelo with ordinary color and music therapy at work
Kiran even made a 3D MRI scan to find out how this all works
– use your mouse to zoom into the head and find out about Kiran’s dedication – don’t stop at the surface