CoRe System Software version 6


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Here is the list of the main new functions in vers 6 that will be part of the general update :

Dear friends


After a 18 month developing phase of CoRe System Version 6.   I am glad we can announce that it will be send out to the distributors this week. We have created over 350 individual updates over the last one and a half years and I have tested each one of them and our progrmers have done an exaustive job to correct all the errors found an integrate all the improvements that came to my mind. The release built is 355 – but certainly the installation disc that you will be getting already has a higher built no and after installation please check for the latest update at the following link

This update includes possibly even greater improvements then the change from 4 to 5. As 5 was mainly a big re-working or the user-interface and appearance this change goes much deeper. The upgrade has a complete re-designed database structure to accommodate not only over one million words in the remedy list but also associated pictures and wave-files that have grown the database to about 730 MB – which is way bigger then most other applications.

Please get a download link at  or if you do not have a good internet connection contact your distributor or for an installation CD that allows every user that has already a key and hologram generator a 2 week trial of all available modules and functions. Also ask for the pricelist and the introductory discount of 200 $ for the update or/and a 500 $ discount for the LaesEr if ordered and paid by 1st of August.


New Field evaluation backed by the Quadtrinity concept


Relational Protocol function with more than 1000 indications at the click of a button


  • one click and you get a multi-page evaluation report and auto-communications set-up automatically



and optional  Integrative Medicine protocols that need more openess on the side of the therapist and client



With the Protocol function you can set up your own protocols with and you can choose from all the material in the database


Group sessions with the Issue-button


And much has been done to help you to organize all this information better and be able to view results and development – now every session is assigned to an issue that you define (issues different then filters are not part of the evaluation but are only helps to organize sessions)


and on the Session screen all results and all therapies performed are easily accessible under each respective tap –

this is required for tracking results in the clinical studies that we are undertaking :





Add indicators and pictures for clients and receptors


Knowing what importance pictures have for the autocommunication I strongly recommend that you take a new picture at the beginning of each new  session and this screen allows you to keep track of them all and see how even the expression of the client changes as treatment progresses  and it is very much helpful to fill in the general indicators at the beginning of each session to get a feedback and keep track of the clients over-all life-situation :


and the same can and should be done with pictures of the diseases or painful areas – not only to record changes but also

and even more importantly to support the informational communication process :



Virtual Doctor site integrated with easy upload function of results and frequency recordings


This will allow you to treat your clients independent from where they live – also energetically and this will be a new way to advertise your

work – as your clients can show their friends how you care for them in a very individual way – this is the first step towards the

“Nonlocal-doctor” – others talk about quantum medicine – we make it reality




the upload manager allows you with one click to establish a new account for a client on the virtual doctor site and upload all results

of the report that you created – as well as frequency recordings – client pictures and personal messages – all with one click :




The new Auto-communication function takes informational connection to the next level



and it send out automatically an e-mail to your client to make him aware when a new report is available :



and it keeps a good record of all the auto-communications that have been done – including the total time that communication actually

has been performed :




And everybody can now add his own frequencies very  easily or create his own frequency therapy groups

This Single Frequency module is also comes for free with every Health Integrator



The Frequency Therapy has been greatly improved

and certainly is now the most advanced software in this field it includes the possibility to do

– dual channel therapy

– attachment of High Frequency generators also in dual channel mode up to 12 MHz

– informational feedback for the recognition of client specific frequencies

– integration with a list of over 1000 groups of frequencies for specific issues

– scan for resonant setting of the frequency generator wich also include relative phase and amplitude

– possibility to record and upload generated frequencies

please see more details about this feature :





Optionally : NEW EMDR function



Optionally :  Virtual EDS/ TCM Module

This software allows you to do what other Electro-Dermal Screening equipment can do – with a single click – no more arduous point by point testing

create a 10 page report and get pictures where to treat energetically – with one single click




Global Sailing module


Please see a 14 min very short summary of the essential new features here:



Add your own pictures




About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt