FAQ in respect to CoRe Software


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Dear Kiran,

I would like to thank you and your team from the bottom of my heart for making CoRe 6 and everything associated with it possible! When I first looked at CoRe 6, I was really amazed at all its possibilities and the greatness of it all. Actually, flabbergasted is a better word! I was so overwhelmed that I only took a quick look and then I went to sit down on the sofa… with a feeling of utter thankfulness that I am allowed to work with such an advanced, spiritual, magical and very important means to get the necessary information of a client for his/her healing. Then I started crying because it touched my soul, and I felt deeply humble.

Warm regards,



Please first of all make sure you have the latest update as we are adding one almost daily

today Saturday 7/24 we are already at built 373 – please go to


for the download


1. Is the “Session name” an evaluated statement?

NO different then the Filter it is not part of the evaluation. The same is the case with “issue”  which is simply a way to organize sessions – in the session screen all sessions performed under the same Issue are listed under this heading – also this will allow us to study the result of all sessions performed for the same issue


2. Carrier Frequency – what is the frequency range for this.

IN the Autocommunication and EMDR panel carrier frequency and range are selected automatically – in the Dual Frequency Screen you can choose the range depending on the hardware that you have available up to 12 Milllion Hertz


3. Client situation in his own works – is this included in what is evaluated?

Not it is not but it will help you to press the right buttons if you make a deeper connection to the client and know what is really his issue

Dont believe CoRe is doing it all – or anything you do with CoRe would not in some way effect the evaluation


4. The session indicators that are with the photo’s – are they included in what is evaluated?

Please do not devide the world in the old way of what the “Machine is doinng and what the Operator is doing”

Yes CoRe uses the picture information – but more importantly if you add a picture and make the effort associated with this – it will improve the outcome.


5. Session notes.  Can we add these when we SELECT CLIENT at the beginning of a consultation.

Yes you can add this at any time


6. Auto communicate.  I cannot follow what is happening here.  How long is each resonance communicated for, seems to vary

EACH communication for each client for which an Autocommunication is set up – goes through all the resonances in the report – after this the

next client is called and so on as llong as the computer is on and the CoRe program is started

7. If the program is closed and restarted where in the cycle does the autocommunication restart.

Yes it starts at the beginning but that is not an issue as every client is called many times within a short time

and you see the total time communicated for a given cleint in the top panel of the autocommunication screen

8. Can a person have more than one auto communication running.



9. Frequency Therapy  – Could you please make a post explaining phase difference.

The Phase differnce in sound and possibly light that is received by our senses is a major factor that allows our orientation and

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17348524 the coordinated working of the right and left brain – but no details are known until now – so for now just experiment yourself

10. I had a question about that – how long are the sessions kept on the Virtual Doctor site and who deletes or sets the time for them to be online? Are they downloadable or they can only be used when accessing the site in real time?  Answer : the Therapist can delete them or the client – otherwise they are kept at least one year, the are not downloadable as you can send reports and Frequency recordings to the client via e-mail.

11. Can Frequency recordings that are uploaded to the virtual doctor site be also listened to off-line ? Answer : yes the recording is stored under C:\My Documents\InergetixCoRe\V6\Client Data\CLIENT NAME\Frequency Recordings and can from there be loaded on a MP3 player, listened-to on the computer itself or send via e-mail.


and stop trusting that somebody has all the answers. CoRe also here finds the most resonant Phase-difference automatically

but please take the liberty to make your own choices and experiment – this is the way I create everything.

Being open and able to experiment and find out for yourself is an aspect ot DLE


About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at Worldstouching@gmail.com

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt