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1. Where can you find the Bio-Software ?
2. Why are thoughts, beliefs and emotions not the root cause of disease ?
3. How can one limit the over-reaction to a detox process ?
The new science of Informational Medicine holds that any change on the physical or energetic level will be preceded and accompanied by changes on the informational level. However just as we cannot find software when taking a computer apart, we will not find it when doing an autopsy. As in a computer we may find organs where information was stored or processed, like the brain, or the chemicals involved, or the nerves used for its transmission but we will not find the information itself.
Just as in a factory the body uses information to determine where nutrients are needed, at what time and in what quantity. It needs information to determine which substances that enter the body are nutrients, which are neutral and which are toxic. It requires software to determine how toxins or pathogens are to be neutralized and eliminated. Cells have to be renewed by the millions every day and physiological parameters have to be monitored and constantly adjusted to a changing environment and requirements.
In addition to all the physiological processes the body informational system needs to monitor and control millions of energy processes like in a giant power grid with millions of cells connected. Electric, heat and light energy have to be produced in the body and distributed to the places where they are needed, modulated by the information that they carry.
Thoughts, beliefs and emotions is not this software but they are just the expression associated with it, just as the information that you get from a computer is not the software. This means that by changing emotions, beliefs and thoughts we are not changing the software, we are changing its expression. Our body was working before we learned emotions, beliefs and thoughts so we should not imagine that these are the factors that are the root causes of actions.
A disturbed health has often disturbed emotions, beliefs and thoughts associated with it, however correcting them based on any value system will not re-create health as they are effects and not the cause of the original dis-ease. For example re-educating bad eating habits will not create health as these are effects and not causes.
Likewise eliminating toxins will not create health as the assimilation and accumulation of toxins is not a cause but an effect of ill health.
Few no this better than my friend Dr Allen Joseph who has been an expert in Detox programs since many years and runs a beautiful Detox resort in Chiangmai Thailand.
He knows that not only a damaged software will make it difficult to eliminate accumulated toxins but also that in such a case toxins will be again absorbed quickly right after detox program.
Also it is a common observation that any organism tries to maintain the status quo and that every major change is consequently answered by what is called a “healing crisis” or “initial aggravation” which also is controlled by a software program. Allen talks here how both the this initial overreaction is reduced and detox made more complete and lasting with the integration of the CoRe System and the Bio-LaesEr that are an integral part of his approach.
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