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Fondatorul și directorul Inergetix Inc. ne introduce în tainele Inergetix-EMDR Sunt încântat că am ocazia să vă invit la o…

Biorezonanța Bio LaesEr
Terapia prin frecvențe - RIFE
Health Integrator - Integrator Sănătate

Senzația în picioare revine

Vesna din Tenerife a folosit CoRe system al său și BBR timp de câteva luni cu succes. Este vorba despre un…


Noi utilizatori CoRe în Panama

Avem noi utilizatori CoRe în Panama, și anume pe Jason și Angela Kerr. Ei au o frumoasă locație de vindecare: și…


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Bio-LaesEr changes level of anxiety, presence, need to control

I had to deal very much with anxiety in my life but after having 9 sessions with the Bioresonance LaesEr nothing is able to bother me anymore. Very rapid changes on all level, on the physical, mental and emotional level.

Steve McLean juin 8, 2016

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Bioresonance-LaesEr Testimonials

I would just like for you, Kiran, and all who created and shared in this technology to know that it has been the best tutor, and counselor, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical block extinguisher that I have experienced.  I am in dedication to the Divine Plan and feel that the CoRe and my experience utilizing it, will

Marco juin 8, 2016

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Treatment of suizidal Depression, Addiction, Bipolar

I have been a Core4 User , then a Core5 one, today a  Core6 user.. I bought the BioLaesEr in september. Sure it has been a great luck to meet you on my way…. I am very happy with my devices (“your’s!), and your philosophy sounds strong for me, even if I am not able

Roselyne MOREL juin 8, 2016