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This is the 3rd module by Michael Lincoln Ph.D.
which deals with “Allergies and Aversions” — notice that his other module is titled “Addictions and Aversions”
which gives the hint that Allergies are just the opposite informational response to stressors than Addictions,
what avenue you choose depends on your individual program.
some examples of the over 400 Allergies and Aversions discussed :
“Sealed unit.” They are apt to be an over-responsible “urban hermit” who is super-self-sufficient and assistance-rejecting. They operate out of the “Mother, PLEASE, I’d rather do it myself!” pattern. It all got started in an untrustworthy, rejecting and dysfunctional family from which they were effectively rejected, and from which they voluntarily and self-protectively withdrew.*************************************“Care-seeking.” They are convenience-concerned and effort-avoidant and they don’t want to grow up. They learned to expect things to be taken care of, from an over-indulgent and cope-ability-undermining mothering.
“What am I doing here?” They are manifesting a dismayed discombobulation about the world and the way their life is going. It is the resultant of growing up in a vaguely overwhelmed and enmeshed family or out of being here as a “visitor” from another soul pool for soul expansion and destiny-manifestation purposes.
“Life-rejecting.” They are prone to manifest fertility-, creativity-, productivity-, and responsibility-avoidance. They are also displaying an attitude of denigration towards the feminine and the sacred. It is the resultant of an intensely rejecting maternal parenting pattern.
“Hard and harsh stance.” They are strongly inclined to operate out of a super-self-contained cynical “urban hermit” pattern. They are likely to be systematically vulnerability-preventing, due to a severe distrust of the Universe.
They are in effect feeling-avoidant, sensuality-repressing and ascetically nurturance/ nourishment-rejecting, and abundance-preventing. They tend to utilize a compulsively concrete-minded and sacredness-rejecting approach. This all results in a systematically success-deflecting lifestyle that may include being sickly.
It arose out of severe intrauterine and subsequent maternal rejection in a “hard-nosed” household or its equivalent.
“Choking to death.” They are in effect suffocating from the poisons that are being emitted everywhere by everyone. Their feeling is that even the Cosmos is being poisoned by the consciousness pollution that they see all around them. They have a rather profound distrust of the Universe.
It arises from thoroughly abusive and undeflectable insults and assaults from their family, especially their mother.
About the Author~
Michael J. Lincoln (fka Narayan-Singh Khalsa) earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Oregon. His experience includes several years teaching, research assisting and working at mental hospitals, a counseling center, a mental health clinic, and the institution for the mentally challenged.
He then started out as the clinical director of one of the first behavior modification treatment programs for emotionally disturbed children. He pioneered the successful healing of deep emotional wounds in both children and their families through the integration of behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches. He went on to serve in this role in several other innovative treatment programs for children and adolescents over a thirty year span.
Meanwhile, along the way, he opened and ran a night club for teenagers during the late sixties. He also co-ran a series of large inter-racial and intergenerational encounter groups for high school teachers, administrators and students. In addition, he developed a Heart-Centered Face Reading process based upon modern psychological assessment approaches.
He also was a consultant for programs for alcoholics, drug dependents, juvenile and adult corrections, and the department of children services. In addition, he functioned as a forensic psychologist for these populations.
Along with all this clinical work, he served as a professor of psychology at the University of Portland, Oregon for several years, where he trained people in professional clinical psychology, conducted research, and taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, he trained child care practitioners in professional child/youth work in an accreditation program of his own design for some twenty years.
As all of this was happening, there began to develop a growing spiritual awareness and commitment. This led to his integrating the sacred into his contributions, and he evolved into a Psycho-Sacred Teacher and Healer, which he has been for over 20 years now.
He is the author of 40+ books. Lincoln’s mission is to teach, heal and inspire through the elevation and transformation of the consciousness of those he impacts, as we collectively enter into the Heart Chakra at the Human Soul Collective level.
SOME TESTIMONIALS about his books :
Dr. Michael is right on! I have had this manual for a couple of weeks During
that time, I have used EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) scripts
correlating to the information he provides. With awesome results. Note I get
the tough clients… where nothing else works… and using EFT to address
the underlying emotions defined by Dr. Lincoln really supercharges the way I
can help my clients!
This is the second time I have order this book, once as a gift and now for
myself. I was introduced to this book while in massage school, on several
occasions was told to get the book, I was amazed at how reading the
Psychological meaning the healing began. This is truly a tool that I will
use in my massage practice.
I am extremely pleased with this book’s invaluable information for reaching
insights into myself and my clients. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Everyone should have this book. I appreciate the many years of work that has
gone into this book.
Excellent reference guide. I looked up two items for myself and it was right
Extraordinary does not do justice to their efforts to get these books to me.
I can recommend them unconditionally and will do business with them in the
future as and when Dr. Lincoln updates his other books.
This book and “Messages from the Body” give amazing insight into the
emotional causes of disease. I reference them all the time.
This is an amazing book. The box arrived, I opened the box, opened the book
randomly and read the item that was on that page. It was an ailment I had
often as a child and had since forgotten about. Reading the description, I
knew how “right on” the issue was. I can’t imagine not having this book in
my library!
If you want to see a listing of all issues interpreted click on the links below