Măsurători biorezonanta si biocâmpul cu LASER


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Sistemul de biorezonanta laser este pentru prima dată în poziția de la care organismul exploatat frecvențele corporale și măsurabilă TENS, cu laser infraroșu, magnetica sau moi, și, desigur, ca un semnal audio – va acest film arată că electrozii si aplicatoare disponibile în acest scop și cât de ușor a acestora cerere


Un vis devenit realitate – biocâmpul uman este nachweissbar – chiar mai mult – fără a atinge tiparele colectate de frecvență pot fi acum aplicate tangibile și măsurabile – pentru auto-tratament sau tratament de altele – o nouă eră în medicină de energie a început



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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt