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Dear Friends and Customers
I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.
After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.
Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.
However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at
Thank you for your support in this DLE
Kiran Schmidt
This is really great! Nice overview on how to connect the BioLaesEr! Simple and easy.
Hi Kiran
this is great, it is easier for all to learn when they have the visual on how to connect all the different applicators and also the explanation to each
Hi Kiran,
This is great! Can you do something loke this for HN and (how to use) CoRe 6.0. version? 6.0 has so many great possibilities, but many of them are not usable (like audio files of remedies) and so on.
Explanations like this for 6.0 ( and an additional button in 6.0 to acces to all screens allways and anywhereon software will be of great help (please also for button for DLE selection in frequency therapy screen, as you promise in Belgrade)!
I understand, that you live today in tomorrow, but we are not all like you, and please understand, that we need perfect guidance to use CoRe system as it had to be used – not becouse of us, but becouse of our patients.
Your job is great, but please take a time also for us, that your inventions will be for the best use and results!
Kiran’s comment :
Dear Moja
thank you for your appreciation – just believe me – my life is 24 hours a day (even when I dream) about CoRe and its healing and spiritual dimensions.
I have to be an inventor, creator, producer, trouble-shooter, motivator besides being a teacher – and like myself I have to beg you for patience with yourself and with me – all will come in due time
This is very well presented, so practical and easy for everybody.
Thank you Kiran for making all this for as.
… and much more is coming Kiran
I have just taken delivery of the BBR and the components look REALLY cool.
My dilemma is: without the CIS, how will one treat an allergic patient without knowing exactly what is causing the hypersensitivity reaction?
Can you come up with something like the Birek (used by other bioresonant devices) for those who do not have the funds to buy a more sophisticate combination like the S2?
Dear Dominic
this Birek by Bicom is just a tensor and works like a pendulum – you can get this everywhere for a few dollars.
I do not follow this age-old illusion that -this-or-that- is the cause of our disease. This blame-game is the
reason for all our suffering on all levels.
Once you have a good Sense-of-Self and make good use of it for the benefit of others and for connecting to the divine
you are as healthy as it can be and if there is disease it is given to you to grow but it will not destroy you.
Therefor the Bioresonanc-LaesEr is all you need to make people healthy and then they will not need flowers, sugar, bread
or other beautiful things anymore to blame that they make them sick.
My Name is Paresh Amin. I am recently graduated Regd. Nautropath Practitioner in Brampton ON Canada. I am wondering to know about your product, which is used for the diagnosis & therapy purpose. In my region who is practising by your product. What is the cost of the equipment.