Manual / Part 2 – Amplitude and Mode


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 1. Set Amplitude

As with all other ACTIONS you first have to set with the lower button the yellow LED on the required FUNCTION in this case the AMPLITUDE and then you will see the currently selected Amplitude via the green LED that is constant while the green LED that you can set is blinking. Every short push on the button moves the blinking LED forward one postition and once the desired position is reached, holding the button for 2 sec will set this ACTION

In the example below the Amplitude is changed from 9 V to 6V

Which Amplitude is to be set depends on what the client feels to be comfortable, while at the same time sensing a light tickling.

(note for experts: When the GEN or PROG  action is set, which means the frequencies are generated by the internal frequency generator and not via uploaded audio files the Amplitude is adjusted via the duty cycle of the frequency and thus changing the effective Voltage.)


2. Const — Set the BEaMEr to be contiuously ON

This will be the most common setting for acute situations where specific healing is required in the shortest time 


3. CS — CLIENT SPECIFIC timing, turns the BEaMEr on only at times where the body particularly needs energy – this would be the mode to be set where a client feels that having the BEaMEr constantly on is too aggitating

4. CSS — CLIENT SPECIFIC SENSITIVE timing  is intended only for those who feel  too much energy when setting the Amplitude to 1 Volt and mode to CS

5. W10 or W1 — wobbles (changes) the Amplitude between Minimum and Maximum with a 10 seconds cycle – this is a function for future research and based on the  CoRe philosophy that CHANGE promotes a healing response of the body and mind. Therefore if this ACTION is selected whatever signal is selected its amplitude is modulated with with a 10 sec period lenght W10 (or 1 sec W1 accordingly) between 0 and the set amplitude

setting for W10

setting for W1





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  1. Dear Kiran
    Please i will like to know if the two white lights in the middle are suppose to be blinking when the beamer is on as mine is not coming on at all and I’m the type hat will like to feel the heat coming from the device but nothing as such even when i think I’ve set it to 12V

    • Hi Ambi,
      Only the flashing green light needs to be ON, that shows that the BEaMEr is ON. There is not a lot of heat coming off the device. Only after some use I feel a little heat. Thanks, Sonia

  2. Dear Kiran,
    I simply from the bottom of my heart thank you for the BBR/CoRe and now the BEaMEr. I hope to cap it with the HFG soon. My problem is that i have not been happy about them not coming with the manuals especially the CoRe whose manual was sent to me as something i can’t print out from the system forcing me to not always go back to the system for any info but reading from screen seriously affects me. Till date i will appreciate if a simp;e form of the CoRe manual can be given to me by way of e-mail.


  3. Dear Ambi,
    You have the training website: If something is missing there, let us know. Also, we can request the Training Manual with the option to print. Most users don’t want that option because it is a large manual of over 500 pages. If you would like that option, all we have to do is request it from the author. Do let me know. Thanks, Sonia

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I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

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Kiran Schmidt