Messages from the body by Michael Lincoln Ph.D.


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Michael Lincoln

I would call him a  medium of the informational realm a channel of an ancient tradition that was only buried for the last few hundred years under the fascination with hard and clean facts for the left brain that could be weighed and measured with any precision.

He brings back the impulse to see meaning everywhere we look, to see minute differences in things, events, symptoms, cravings that the left brain had declared as meaningless, creating a world as uniform as it desired it to be, creating a world of plexi-glass and steel that gives the illusion of indestructible immortality.

He has written/ channeled 3 books which have been integrated into the CoRe system that will again rise its practical usability for many and teach you how we can see symptoms, emotions and human characteristics as another way to see behind the matter/ energy curtain.

Certainly in a hundred years when the science of information has been developed more, this will look like very feeble beginnings but true beginnings they are and as such can only be born in an environment of chaos. The chaos of today  where most try to completely disregard all the messages around them, not only of their own body, and were more and more destructive disease has to come in as a wake-up, while others are able to built schools and churches on very limited extractions of the informational realm, having to defend their feeble constructions with dogma and violence.

Much of what you and your client will be confronted with, if you choose to integrate it into the CoRe system is shocking, confusing, habit-breaking or in short DLE-creating. CoRe brings several a new dimension to Michaels work in that it is not only a repertory in which you  can look up interpretations of body symptoms, nothing would be easier than that, but in that you can scan for resonant-interpretations that Michael might have assigned to a disease that you might not have now or that you might never get —- but remember symptoms are not the result of bacteria, missing supplements, toxins, wrong attitudes…… they are messages that want to point you in a new direction, that want to break the momentum of your life, your stuckness, your lack of DLE. …… and taken in this way you do not have to take the message toooo serious, it is a message not to your mind but a message to guide and re-connect you again to a wider context of the space of variations.

And here is the other major new dimension that CoRe gives to the Michael’s work, it provides the informational process, the technology, to connect your essence and this new context in the field of variations and it has the energetic means to give impulses to your body into assisting rather as usually resisting change.

AND ! in version 6.0 we will have integrated a synthesis-evaluation process that will allow you to choose the relative proportion to which you  want to allow Right-brain evaluation = CoRe-process and LEFT-brain approach = Repertorization deciding on the final results…. you  will be surprised.

The first module that I want to announce this week is his work “Messages from the body” almost 1000 pages interpreting more than 1000 symptoms or diseases, of which I give here only a extract :

ACCIDENT ACTION DYSTONIA (See DISRUPTION OF MOTION) AGING PROBLEMS ALVEOLA PROBLEMS (The air sacs in the lungs) ANDROGEN PROBLEMS (Male hormone) ANOXIA (See OXYGEN DEPRIVATION, USUALLY DURING BIRTH) ACCIDENTAL POISONING ADDICTIONS AGRANULOCYTOSIS (Loss of white blood cells resulting in no defense against infection) ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (Loss of memory and mental functioning capacity) ANEMIA (Shortage of red blood cells) ANTHRAX (Severe skin eruptions and boils- caught from cattle) ACHES ADDISON’S DISEASE (Under-active adrenals) AIDS (See ACQUIRED IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY SYNDROME) AMBLYOPIA (Poor refraction, leading to dullness of visual acuity) ANESTHETIC EJACULATION (Loss of sexual feeling during climax by a male) APHASIA (Inability to form words; inability to speak) ACHILLES’ TENDON PROBLEMS ADENOID PROBLEMS (Lymph nodes in the back of the nasal passages) AIR SICKNESS AMEBIASIS (Parasitic stomach disease) ANEURISM (Bulging blood vessel in the brain) APNEA (Interruptions in breathing) ACHING PAIN ADHESIVE CAPSULITIS (Joint interfaces become sticky) ALCOHOLISM AMENORRHEA (See LACK OF MENSTRUATION) ANGINA PECTORIS (Severe attacks of pain over the heart due to oxygen deprivation) APOPLEXY (See STROKE) ACID CONDITIONS ADRENAL DEPLETION ALGESIA (See HYPERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN) AMNESIA; AMNESIC SYNDROME (Loss of memory) ANKLE PROBLEMS APPENDICITIS ACID REFLUX (Heartburn — Burning distress behind the sternum, due to spasms of the esophagus or of the upper stomach, resulting in acid coming up) ADRENAL PROBLEMS ALLERGIC SHOCK (Obstructed breathing, hives, plunging blood pressure — it is life threatening) AMYGOALA PROBLEMS (See BRAIN PROBLEMS) ANKLE, BELOW, ON THE INSIDE ON THE LEFT FOOT PROBLEMS APPETITE, EXCESSIVE ACNE ADRENO-LEUKO DYSTROPHY (See A.L.D.) ALLERGIES AMYOTROPIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (See LOU GHERIG’S DISEASE) ANKLE, LEFT APPETITE, LOSS OF ACQUIRED IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (A.I.D.S) AEROPHAGY (See GULPING AIR) ALOPECIA (See LOSS OF BODY AND HEAD HAIR) ANAL PROBLEMS ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (See SPINE PROBLEMS) ARCH, RIGHT, PROBLEMS ACRONYX (See TOE NAIL PROBLEMS) AGENT ORANGE POISONING (Dioxin) ALTITUDE SICKNESS (Headache, upset stomach, vomiting, cramps) ANAPHRODISIA (See LACK OF SEXUAL DESIRE) ANOREXIA (Self-starvation) ARM AWKWARDNESS


Michael choose the symbol of the Owl for his work

Michael choose the symbol of the Owl for his work


Here I will only give one example of the interpretation that he gives for ANKLE, PROBLEMS :

“Over-responsible.” They are operating with a lot of guilty rigidity and an inability to receive pleasure and support. They are too accommodating, cooperative, understanding, and respectful of the opinions and beliefs of others. They are too concerned for others’ welfare, and they have difficulty advancing towards their own goals, making progress, and achieving success.
They have a difficult time keeping a balance between their healthy selfing aspirations and their concern for others, their community commitment and their humble respect for the Cosmos.
Their family put them in a “Cinderella” — “family hoist” position in which they sustained and held the family together, while they simultaneously received constant blame for everything that went wrong, with no acknowledgment of who they were, of their needs, or of their contributions.
“Help me, I’m falling!” They have deep fears of failure, and they have real trouble with mobility and direction-taking. They have a rather poorly developed sense of support from the Universe, and they don’t have a firm set of values to stand on. They also feel quite vulnerable and uncertain in their present situation. They were left more or less to fend for themselves in a severely self-immersed, unstable and dysfunctional family.
“Straight-jacketed!” They feel fettered and hemmed in by their social group, culture or organization. There is a conflict between their pride, self-importance and self-satisfaction on the one hand, and the need for community commitment and Cosmic contribution on the other. They have illusions of self-inflation concerning their goals and objectives. They are inflexible about changing direction, and they lack universal friendship, sticking strictly to family and familiar friends.
They fail to recognize good, due to lack of love in their early life. They were effectively ignored until they got old enough to coerce control and demand attention and their rights, at which point the family capitulated while conveying that they were a “moral cretin” for functioning the way they do, with many messages that they should be more considerate of the ecology in a guilt-inducing but ineffectual complaint to the “monster” they themselves created.
“I’m not doing it right.” They have conflicts over the methods they are using to seek success. They have ethical issues about the procedures used for progress arising from their sense of not having the right to any resources that resulted from their overactive over-responsibility.
“I can’t do it.” They feel utterly incompetent and incapable of coping effectively, arising out of their sense of being lost at sea without a rudder.
“How can I do it?” They are conflicted as to which methods to use to achieve the most impactful and self-serving results, out of their being hugely ham-strung and inflexible.
“Who am I?” They have profoundly disturbing concerns about their fundamental motivations and intentions in life. They are utterly confused and conflicted about where they stand on just about everything.
“SPRAINED” ANKLE (Stressed and/or damaged ligament)
“Oh no I don’t!” They do not want to move in a certain direction in life. They are experiencing strong resistance and anger about this issue. They distrust the Universe, and they have catastrophic expectations regarding the outcome. They have always had to handle things more or less alone on their own from the very beginning, and they are therefore very incensed at having the Universe “cattle chute” them into this dilemma. It has not gone well for them in the past, and they don’t expect any better now.
They have the “delusion of indifference,” the feeling that nobody gives a damn and that they have to take care of everything themselves, as a function of very early and continued lack of support and nurturing.
“No way, Jose!” They are in great conflict and resistance about being forced to change the way they do things, especially in regards to having to let others participate more in their undertakings.
“What are you DOING!?” They are having quite a relational issue with the “Home Office” about the required changes in their priorities and directions in their life. They don’t like the vulnerability and interdependency that are now being required of them one iota.
“Slave feelings.” They feel exploited and unappreciated, and that they are in an unequal exchange of energy situation. They have the feeling that they are strung out six ways to breakfast, yet they can’t find a way out of it. Their experience is that there is no end of the overloading requirements of being here.
“Over-burdened.” They feel they are being required to do too much in the realm of being the support system for everyone.
“Me last.” Their experience is that they are not being allowed to take care of their own needs due to excessive requirements of them.

“Over-responsible.” They are operating with a lot of guilty rigidity and an inability to receive pleasure and support. They are too accommodating, cooperative, understanding, and respectful of the opinions and beliefs of others. They are too concerned for others’ welfare, and they have difficulty advancing towards their own goals, making progress, and achieving success.

They have a difficult time keeping a balance between their healthy selfing aspirations and their concern for others, their community commitment and their humble respect for the Cosmos.

Their family put them in a “Cinderella” — “family hoist” position in which they sustained and held the family together, while they simultaneously received constant blame for everything that went wrong, with no acknowledgment of who they were, of their needs, or of their contributions.


“Help me, I’m falling!” They have deep fears of failure, and they have real trouble with mobility and direction-taking. They have a rather poorly developed sense of support from the Universe, and they don’t have a firm set of values to stand on. They also feel quite vulnerable and uncertain in their present situation. They were left more or less to fend for themselves in a severely self-immersed, unstable and dysfunctional family.


“Straight-jacketed!” They feel fettered and hemmed in by their social group, culture or organization. There is a conflict between their pride, self-importance and self-satisfaction on the one hand, and the need for community commitment and Cosmic contribution on the other. They have illusions of self-inflation concerning their goals and objectives. They are inflexible about changing direction, and they lack universal friendship, sticking strictly to family and familiar friends.

They fail to recognize good, due to lack of love in their early life. They were effectively ignored until they got old enough to coerce control and demand attention and their rights, at which point the family capitulated while conveying that they were a “moral cretin” for functioning the way they do, with many messages that they should be more considerate of the ecology in a guilt-inducing but ineffectual complaint to the “monster” they themselves created.



“I’m not doing it right.” They have conflicts over the methods they are using to seek success. They have ethical issues about the procedures used for progress arising from their sense of not having the right to any resources that resulted from their overactive over-responsibility.


“I can’t do it.” They feel utterly incompetent and incapable of coping effectively, arising out of their sense of being lost at sea without a rudder.


“How can I do it?” They are conflicted as to which methods to use to achieve the most impactful and self-serving results, out of their being hugely ham-strung and inflexible.


“Who am I?” They have profoundly disturbing concerns about their fundamental motivations and intentions in life. They are utterly confused and conflicted about where they stand on just about everything.


“SPRAINED” ANKLE (Stressed and/or damaged ligament)

“Oh no I don’t!” They do not want to move in a certain direction in life. They are experiencing strong resistance and anger about this issue. They distrust the Universe, and they have catastrophic expectations regarding the outcome. They have always had to handle things more or less alone on their own from the very beginning, and they are therefore very incensed at having the Universe “cattle chute” them into this dilemma. It has not gone well for them in the past, and they don’t expect any better now.

They have the “delusion of indifference,” the feeling that nobody gives a damn and that they have to take care of everything themselves, as a function of very early and continued lack of support and nurturing.



“No way, Jose!” They are in great conflict and resistance about being forced to change the way they do things, especially in regards to having to let others participate more in their undertakings.


“What are you DOING!?” They are having quite a relational issue with the “Home Office” about the required changes in their priorities and directions in their life. They don’t like the vulnerability and interdependency that are now being required of them one iota.



“Slave feelings.” They feel exploited and unappreciated, and that they are in an unequal exchange of energy situation. They have the feeling that they are strung out six ways to breakfast, yet they can’t find a way out of it. Their experience is that there is no end of the overloading requirements of being here.



“Over-burdened.” They feel they are being required to do too much in the realm of being the support system for everyone.


“Me last.” Their experience is that they are not being allowed to take care of their own needs due to excessive requirements of them.


If you want to see a listing of all issues interpreted click on the links below

Messages from the Body

Addictions and Cravings

Allergies and Aversions



About Author

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

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Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt