Bioresonance Placebo Cure Fibroid Cyst – Numbness – Chest pain – Nausea – Pain


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Here are 5 testimonials from Diana – and she also confirms my observation that the Bio-LaesEr is most effective if you use it every day for 1 or 2 weeks at least 30 minutes


Client 1  D.V.

Fibroid cyst in the right breast , mastitis- burning and swollen breast, panic attack of getting breast cancer. Fear of narrow places, fear of the hay way

BBR- homeopathic mode +CD meditation, half an hour , 7 days- client feels relaxed and sleepy( I know that client lost her husband a few years ago) relaxed and sleepy, less thinking about cancer, she sow some colors

3. day-relaxed, less burning in the breast and less swollen on therapy only 15 min, too much burning from headband electrode

5. day-very relaxed, no thinking about cancer at all, no burning in the breast and no swelling

6. day- feeling very good, full of energy  happiness and started to be more active- the lump in the breast is much smaller, almost gone


Client 2  H.G.

Pain in the chest, red rush in the neck, numbness of the left arm, cold feet

Used : BBR- homeopathic mode +CD meditation, half an hour for 5 days felt warmness in the legs and relaxation client felt tingling in the chest area during therapy as well later during rest of the day more pain in the chest, client felt tingling in the left arm during the therapy as well latter during the day

4. day- no more numbness in the left arm, rush on the neck almost disappeared, client left tingling in the area of the liver during the therapy felt tingling in the area of the left ovary during the therapy and during next day

Client reported that rush on the neck is gone, no numbness in the left arm and no more pain in the chest. It is interesting that this client had pain in the liver area last year and three years ago a lot of pain in the left ovary.


Client 3 Nave.


Used: BBR +meditation CD

Complain of the client :Very tired, no energy, nausea ( I know that client lost her husband a few years ago and she has also gallbladder stone  last two years) very sad during therapy and all day after therapy therapy sadness and need to cry, after therapy client was crying and all day after therapy felt more relaxed and sleepy relaxed , more energy and no nausea used only BBR therapy, client couldn’t stand BBR + Meditation CD, she felt too much burning from electrode (electrode in ch2 HI) . During therapy client felt cramps in the area of the liver.

Next day client reported: feels much better, no nausea


Client 4 Sc.D.

Complains : pain in the muscles, tiredness, polyps in the nose ( complaining about everything- my observation)

Used BBR- homeopathic mode client didn’t feel nothing special – evening after therapy client had nightmare didn’t feel nothing special  didn’t’ feel nothing special

4. day- client  didn’t’ feel nothing special-

5. day- used allopathic mode- client started to have discharge from the nose and next day reported that has more energy and less pain in the muscles


Client 5 C. E.

Complains: pain in the abdomen, distension in the abdomen, no energy

Used BBR – homeopathic mode (used only BBR therapy, client couldn’t stand BBR + Meditation CD, client felt too much burning from electrode (conducting mat in ch2 HI) . client was sleeping during therapy- very tired after therapy more relaxed and client explain that felt like something is moving in the abdomen during therapy client has more energy , no problem in abdomen . Client is happy ant think that no more therapy is nessery ( reported next day)



 Croatia          +385 (0) 91 576 139



About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt