Bioresonance practice report


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Andreas Lederman has a natural therapy clinic in Switzerland and has send me this informal list of observations after the first month working with the Bioresonance LaesEr .

Andreas has his clients lying down, two flex electrode mats under the knees, one connected to Body voltage and the other to the LaesEr REF input – application of feedback is from the Health Integrator Channel 2 through the flexible Forehead-electrode.

Also he has one local magnetic disc applicator on the chest or lower abdomen and the full body magnetic applicator to lie on. Second visit can be anywhere between 3 and 6 days after the first one.

He adjusts the Voltage of the Bio-LaesEr according to the clients preferences and treatment time can be anywhere between 20 and 50 min

Thank you Andreas for taking the time to make this list and to send it to me – I am getting so many reports of “miracle healings” with the Bio-LaesEr but despite we have already delivered 80 – nobody has send me a simple report like this.

Dear All – we have to work together – and despite the fact that in our times it seems almost impossible to keep consistent notes and not just doing one line blogging – this is the only way that we can learn and share some substantial observations .


Observations with the Bio LaesEr 9. – 30. Nov.  2011

Patient / Datum


Observations during the treatment

Observations at the next visit

001 / 9.11 

Nausea, Energy-Low, racing heartbeat, tendency for collapse


Significantly better after 2 days – no Energy-low anymore

002 / 9.11

Back pain

Sense of warmth and relaxation


003 / 9.11

Head pain

Deep relaxation


004 / 9.11.

Hip pain



005 / 10.11


Light tickling – feeling relaxed

Burning on forehead 3 hours after treatment

006 / 10.11.


Very relaxed

Slightly better

001 / 11.11.

Back pain


Pain free

007 / 11.11.


Very relaxed

Feels even 1 week after the therapy very comfortable

008 / 11.11.

Knee pain

Sees vibrating light


009 / 11.11

Spastic paralysis


For some days significantly less shoulder pain

010 / 11.11.



Emotionally I feel much better

011 / 11.11.


Afterwards very relaxed


012 / 14.11

Joint pain

Sees waves of orange light with closed eyes

Less pain

013 / 14.11.

Depression, digestion, beginning cold

Feels very good after the  therapy


014 / 14.11.


Feels subtle warmth from magnet on the chest

Relaxed, emotionally significantly better

015 / 15.11.

Breathing problem



016 / 15.11.

Eye inflammation



017 / 15.11.


Very relaxed


018 / 15.11.

Cluster headache

Very relaxed

Increased headache during one week

019 / 15.11.

Pressure on heart

Slight tingling under the head electrodes


020 /16.11.

Burn out

After a few minutes waves of dark matter, surrounded with light that flows towards the eyes, very relaxed

Slight improvement

021 / 16.11.

Psoriasis, stress

Very deep relaxation

Skin 40% better, significantly more relaxed


022 / 16.11.

Digestive Problems

A fine layer over the skin, heaviness of extremities, feels euphoric

Feeling of well being continued for another day

023 / 17.11.


Small burn on the forehead at only 2V. Afterwards no more sensations

More courageous

008 / 17.11.

Knee pain



024 / 17.11.

Sorrow and fatigue

Feels great happiness

New insight

025 / 18.11.

Blood high pressure

Waves of Energy first in the kidney region rises to the upper body and whole body


026 / 18.11.

Back pain

First pressure on the head , well relaxed

A few days better

027 / 18.11.


Feeling of being comforted

More positive vision

001 / 21.11


None (at 9V)


028 / 21.11.

Multible sclerosis

Tickling under the magnet

Feels very relaxed

014 / 21.11


After 30 min starts deep relaxation

Significantly better

027 / 22.11


Subtle tickling in body – relaxed and very tired

Observed little

022 / 23.11.

Digestive problems

None (at 9V)

Significantly better

029 / 23.11.

Spastic paralysis

At 12V it starts burning after 5min

Pain free for one week

030 / 24.11.

Stress, back pain

Feels better then in holidays – super relaxed

A subtle relaxation remains

031 / 24.11..

Shoulder pain

Deep relaxation

More relaxation

015 / 25.11




032 / 25.11.


Big inner calmness


033 / 25.11.

Digestive problems



034 / 25.11.

Skin problems

Deep relaxation

Problem is completely resolved

013 / 28.11

Depression, digestive problems


Significantly better

035 / 28.11.

Back pain

Tickling in whole body

80% better

036 / 28.11.

Fears and panic attacks

Feels more calm after 30 min

More sense of security

037 / 29.11.

Skin eczema

Immediate relaxation in solar plexus

Calmness remained for another 3 days – skin is better

038 / 29.11.

Blood high pressure175 / 100

Feels nothing blood pressure after 40 min  155 / 90


040 / 29.11.

Depression, much worry

After 20 min onset of calmness – after 40 min completely relaxed

Significantly better and more calm


041 / 29.11.




042 / 30.11.

Skin problems


More calm

043 / 30.11.

Over agitated nerves

Strong relaxation

Feels better

044 / 30.11.

Back pain an irritation

Feels like a fish in the water

More energy

045 / 30.11.

Exhaustion with diarrhea, nausea

Deep relaxation

Has slept for 12 hours after the treatment – feels „super“ since then

046 / 30.11.

Stiff neck

Deep relaxation


047 / 30.11

Mood swings and over-weight

Is seeing colorful lights with closed eyes

Feels well


Conclusion (By Kiran) : Andreas warns that this is “Not a scientific study” and yes I agree mainly because nobody paid him to get certain results

but a few things are noteworthy out of 50 clients

1. 24 felt very relaxed by the therapy which is 50 %

2. 30 had longer lasting or complete healing effects – 60%

3. only 7 did not feel anything during or after the treatment – 15%

but also please pay attention to these description of clients:

– Has slept for 12 hours after the treatment – feels „super“ since then

– Feels like a fish in the water

– Feels better then in holidays – super relaxed

– Feels great happiness

– A fine layer over the skin, heaviness of extremities, feels euphoric

which indicates that it is working to create the very basis of healing which is – Happiness and of the 7 cases with depression 5 reported significant improvement at the second visit –  GREAT




About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us! This is great!
    I use the same settings with the wristbands instead of the foot electrodes. I play the CoRe resonant music through the healthnavigator (headphone in HN left output audio)and looped it from the right HN output to the Biolaeser to source in of the bio-laesEr. The Channel 1 and 2 are the volume knobs
    I can use the plasma generator now also at the same time.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt