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Diploma of Energetic & Informational Medicine
Are you interested in the emerging field of energetic medicine?
Do you wish to gain a foundational knowledge to better understand energetic medicine to help you decide your path with a specific modality?
Do you need a practitioner’s certificate to demonstrate and consolidate your skills and allow you to get professional insurances?
Maybe you don’t have the years of study to get you on the road of being an alternative health practitioner?
Maybe you need to work your exit plan from your Job whilst you work concurrently in building your new vocation?
There is no way around gaining experience but we feel our 40+ years of collective experience has contained many a wrong turn and ask the question why does everyone have to learn through mistakes. Our journey is very much shareable and has been condensed into 5 days of wisdom to give you that boost and leg up in your learning.
We have the answers…..
With more than 20+ years and certifications in many modalities including, we have been able to create an abridged introductory course, spanning from the use of traditional approaches through to electro medicine and some experience of today’s healing gadgets and gizmos.
With an educational background in training and certification marking, we have combined the best of our own talents to share with you.
Katherine and Thomas invite you along with training specialists to a 5 day valuable journey. This may be an opportunity to consolidate a lot of what you already know into a structured framework or the start and the step up you have been looking for to get your new practice grounded.
The course will be structured with the foundational concepts and practices and then and then Katherine and Thomas have added some electives for you to help you incorporate all of the modalities in this course
Diploma of Energetic & Informational Medicine
19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd of October in Melbourne Australia 2013
We welcome all CoRe users to attend this Diploma course
This Diploma course is a 5 day intensive course and will allow the practitioner, upon completion of this course to join the Institute of Energetic and Informational Medicine, upon acceptance to the institute the practitioner can then apply for insurance cover in the field of Energetic & Informational Medicine.
What this means to CoRe purchasers, is that they can be a
You will have a Diploma qualification and be able to practice with this qualification once you are a member of your chosen association and insurer.
This Diploma course is accredited by the Institute of Energetic & Informational Medicine, the institute has accredited the Australasian Institute of Health & Healing to train students in this field.
All CoRe users are encouraged to have a proper qualification so that they can practice knowing that they can attain the insurance cover they need for their chosen profession.
This Diploma course is open for all to attend, CoRe practitioners are given preference, when they book early, our company will be advertising to non-CoRe practitioners in two weeks
Spaces are limited so call us and make your booking
Please remember this is a Diploma Course, not a seminar or just a workshop or certificate course.
The course has been accredited by the Institute of Energetic and Informational Medicine and the modality has been accepted by an insurance company
Please visit our websites or
for more information on our bio
Contact: Tara at or Katherine at
Our Bio:
Dr Katherine Tassioulas & Dr Thomas Tassioulas
For the past four decades Dr. Katherine Tassioulas has served as an advisor and leader across the Asia Pacific region for the health and wellness industries. As a registered clinical hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and counsellor she has dedicated her life to helping and healing the thousands of people that have been brought to her. She utilizes many modalities that she has learnt and developed over the years, including informational medicine and leading edge technologies such as the Inergetix CoRe system.
As a recognized authority on the psychology of mental and emotional diseases Dr. Katherine Tassioulas is sought after as a guest speaker and teacher around the world, to bring leading edge knowledge and information to practitioners everywhere.
Her not-for-profit foundation provides assistance across the Asia Pacific supporting inner-city youth, senior citizens, and the homeless. She constantly supports aged care and citizens that are housebound, children from broken homes and the lower socio economic community. This may be through financial or material support as well as all aspects of health and healing providing countless hours of assistance.
Dr Tassioulas’ not for profit organisations provide support, education and hope to people across all levels of the community. She works directly with cancer patients or many that have life threatening or degenerative diseases. Her support is not only with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing but also their families. Through participation in professionally lead support groups and educational workshops, patients learn vital skills that enable them to regain control of their lives and restore hope regardless of the stage of disease.