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Vesna from Tenerife has been using her CoRe system and BBR for a few months quite successfully.
This is one of my clients/friends. The story is somehow cut short, but here it is:
1. She never told me about this issue, it came up in Core
2. It came up during the second core session. The first core session was connected to emotions and soul and we had to treat that. In 2 days she changed her view on the situation and was able to come to piece with it. So the second core session was physical emotional, and we could start working on the body.This is the story i knew nothing about, and she told me AFTER the Core pulled it up.
Some years ago the nerves in my friends feet were starting to die off. This was due to her interrupting a b12 vitamin therapy, as no one bothered to tell her that she shouldn’t do it ….and why…
Anyway. In her house she has a tense machine (plus she eats b vitamins every day) which she uses every day to stimulate her nerve endings in the feet. Her grandson tried it once and couldn’t stand the lowest of setttings. She may have felt the strongest one as mere tingling.Yesterday, i first put her on BBR. For cca 45 min, while I had another client. Then i did evaluation, saw the physical, was pleased that it had changed, did body scan and out came the feet. She wouldn’t comment as somebody else was present. Then i only did organ balancing for 5 minutes, with energy ON and it showed 72% improvement.
I didn’t have more time, so i put 8 min of Fibonacci (dna repair, reset) and 10 min Solfeggio (also dna repair, calming,…) and off we went.
At lunch, she told me her story of the feet (until that moment i had no information on her part) and also, that for the first time in i don’t know how many years, she felt tingling in the souls of her feet.
And now the cheery on top: my friend is 83 years oldSecond day: she still feels tingling in the soles of her feet… She is amazed
Posted via:
Sonia Jaramillo
Heilkunst Homeopath student, Bioenergetic Pracitioner, Health Navigator Consultant
California Tel. 530 692 0331
skype: soniajaramillo44
Contact me with any questions or requests for information, demos, comparisons, etc.