What enables the LaesEr Bioresonance System to detect the Biofield


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All attempts to measure/ monitor/ detect a biofield or Human Bodyfield followed the contemporary science mistake to isolate the object of investigation from any possible interference from other influences – be it visual, auditory, electromagnetic, human or whatever.This is the common “scientific” approach to eliminate secondary effects – which has made it possible to uncover many basic laws and effects that were before covered up by secondary ones. This way of approaching nature to find its secrets started when Galileo dropped two balls from the tower of Pisa – that both hit the ground despite different weight. Later in evacuated tubes one could even see that a coin and a feather fall at the same speed http://library.thinkquest.org/29033/history/galileo.htm – most people do not even understand this fact or its significance today – nor did Aristotle think this to be possible

GallileoThis started modern day experimental science with its dogma that “the more you can eliminate secondary influences from your experimental set-up the better the chance to find the fundamental working mechanisms of nature”.

Why this approach, despite its many valuable results has now come to a dead end – particularly in respect of studying Life/ Emotion/ Consciousness and how the LaesEr Bioresoance system is the result of breaking with this tradition, you will see in this video.



About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.


  1. Been watching a lot of your videos.
    Your ideas are interesting, because they are challinging and because they are in direct opposition to some of the experimental findings by people who try to study this (see Society for Scientific Exploration publications as an example).
    My question to you: if it's EM, then it must be extremely weak, because not even really sensitive squid magnetometers can properly detect more than the human ion exchange EM field in a several-layer-EM-insulated room (<3 fT/Hz).
    Then again, if it's EM, then how does this explain the countless of repeated measurements where this energy has been directed at will from one person to a target with no attenuation as a function of distance.
    Again, I'm not saying you are not right, but your arguments do not seem to be fitting together with the experimental evidence out there.
    Yet, who knows. Best of luck in your research!

    Kiran’s comment :

    would be nice you would add a name so we know who we are talking to.

    Please see again http://www.informationenergymedicine-academy.com/category/aaa-key-postings/revolutionary-laeser-bioresonance/what-enables-the-laeser-bioresonance-system-to-detect-the-biofield/

    I am saying there that modern science makes the mistake that they can or even SHOULD, study life in a lifeless environment – that is the Galileo – principle – How much life would you detect in a person in a room without oxygen ? Now they make experiments with people in a, as you say ” several-layer-EM-insulated room” thinking that EM radiation is either not necessary for life or it has to come from the body-self-manufactured – just like somebody would have thought 300 years ago Carbon-monoxide is manufactured by the body

    I am dealing with a completely new way of studying man – information-ally but energetically as well – get out of the 3 layer box and you will see new and un-explainable phenomena

  2. Hi Kiran,

    I have a question about the biofield sensing with the LaesEr. I set it up for the first time and it worked when my hand got close to the mat on the table, just like in your videos. So then I put my wife standing on the mat on the floor and sure enough it worked when she reached out to the mat on the table also.

    But then I noticed that even when she was the one standing on the mat on the floor, if I reached for the mat on the table, the lights would also light up even though I was not touching either mat and I was not the one standing on the “receiving” mat on the floor. Only my wife was touching the mat on the floor, and neither of us was touching each other. And yet the lights on the LaesEr machine registered my biofield when I got near the mat on the table.

    Was my wife somehow sensing when I got near to the mat on the table and so her body was responding to what was happening to me?

    I noticed this happening a few times in the video of the group test of the biofield detection. Sometimes the lights on the LaesEr registered when someone else was near the mat on the table even if that was not the person standing on the mat on the floor. Do you have any ideas of what is happening in that case?

    Dear Nirmala

    I am not sure, the most likely explanation is that it is a capacitive effect but as this is different for people and is possible from
    up to 3 m it would be super sensitive. Also you can just go behind your wife and put your hands on her shoulder and the effect will
    increase. Whatever the physics explanation and I have even done studies in an underground EMF shielded room – this is probably the
    mechanism by which you feel that someone is standing behind you or even just looking at you – another miracle that has never before
    been reproduced with a technical system


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After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

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Kiran Schmidt