Multiple sclerosis- cancer – stress testimonials


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This is one of my favorite healing transformations – Karyn – now friend and CoRe user

please contact her if you want to know more -Also note how the environment changes – it is all connected inside and out

Please remember that the following are coincidental healing that is otherwise also called Placebo healing – none of the positive physical changes was intended nor could it have been expected with energies as low as that of normal batteries

Please see more Placebo stories here :

Multiple sclerosis:

Hello friends,

My name is Manuel Macedo, I’m 30 years old and I have been diagnosed  with Multiple sclerosi, about two years ago and, although not one of the worst cases, I have a lot of difficulty in walking and I am prevented from doing what I enjoy most:

Sports!  running, football, golf, etc …

However, I would like to share with you an important experience.

Just over half a year I started a novel and painless  treatment, free of side effects or contraindications, as it works with the body’s own information to promote balance and that may be new hope for people like me. Bruno Loureiro, my Core therapist from Espinho, Portugal introduced the Core to me.

It is a kind of “tightening the screws” as I say and I feel after each session.

I’ve had feelings that I can be close to the total erradication of this problem, although the feeling of wellness after the end of the sessions is the most evident.

More energy to my daily life, a lot more motivation to keep going are the main changes.

In my 1st session I could not feel the energy flow on both hands. Got very tired after it. With a strange feeling that I was somehow, different.

On the 2nd session I had an enourmous change in the way I was walking, and I felt energy flow in my 2 hands. Effects lasted more than 3 days.

As such, and knowing that many of you may be experiencing moments of hopelessness, I want to make my testimony.

Has been working well with me, with a weekly session. Allready can stand with bi-weekly treatments.


Manuel Macedo

Contact: 00351 915 307 820


Stress :

Testimonial from the Clinica Psicomind  –
My name is Eliana and I decided to try the new Bio-LaesEr at the Clinic Psicomind

because I was feeling lots of stress and anxiety.

During the treatment I saw some red, blue and yellow light.

I felt like the sofa wasn´t there any more, It was like if I were somewhere else.

After the treatment I felt calmer, more relaxed and I don´t feel any stress any more.


Depoimento da Clínica Psicomind

Meu nome é Eliana e eu decide experimentar o novo Bio-LaeSer na Clínica Psicomind

porque eu estava sentindo muito stress e ansiedade.

Durante o tratamento eu vi algumas luzes azuis, vermelhas e amarelas.

Senti como se o sofá tivesse desaparecido e eu estivesse em outro lugar.

Após o tratamento estava mais calma, mais relaxada e com nível de stress normalizado.


一個復發的疾病和減少癌症的氣息 50%的腫瘤醫生的echographie(也取得了3 echographies前conclure,因為他是如此驚訝)。我的病人 他說,對她來說是一個減少80%,但醫生有一些 難以接受的奇蹟!!
這兩種治療月經過9個月的結果。這正好與 幫助了很多的祈禱+的核心系統V6 +等離子發生器+ 一些補品,因為她不希望的手術, 化療和放射治療。
我們很高興在6月為她的體檢結果,但我們保持低 配置文件,因為在法國官方的藥,不希望 其他處理可以用來代替他們的治療 癌症。
通常我只是幫助我的病人,在以上處理的 官方藥品。這是第一次一個人完全拒絕 正式醫學治療癌症的。
Annonciade LE NABOUR
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上週四,8月9日,2012年在下午12點02分,貝基·佩里 “>< <> wrote:”>>寫道:
嗨,我的名字是科林·瓦特。我相信我的8個月大的女兒 斯特拉迄今已保存的核心。斯特拉出生在 具有多形性膠質母細胞瘤四年級的腦腫瘤12月。 “ 質量被視為操作,神經外科醫生說沒有什麼可以做 救了她。我們做了安排,殯儀館,醫院 給我們Stellas登記死亡的論文,並告訴我們,斯特拉 住一周左右。我們把她帶回家,與家人死。 克里斯塔·羅斯的DTC自然商店建議,我們採取斯特拉一個在 省整體醫生叫:海爾加比薩餅店。埃爾加採用的核心。 斯特拉已處理的核心,定期自從。腫瘤 馬上開始萎縮,四月萎縮了80%。 Stellas 神經外科醫生都驚奇(現在仍是)。在6月MRI顯示, 兩個最大的腫瘤已經變得非常膚淺的,醫生提供了一個 手術,這是他們第一次任何形式的干預。手術過程中, 一個腫瘤,需要一個輕微的輕推。 三個較小的腫瘤依然存在。我們繼續與核心。 Stellas 7月下MRI顯示沒有留在所有的腫瘤,所以做了 八月MRI。醫生說,他們從來沒有見過的情況下,比較 並沒有解釋。 腫瘤引起腦積水,其中斯特拉仍在努力。我們 對待她的核心,但她需要腦積水 頻率更多的時候,所以這是一個很大的驅動。我真的需要一個核心 加工,這樣可以節省Stellas的生活。能否請你幫助,我們可以支付 隨著時間的推移為核心。也許我可以拿出一半的成本 前。謝謝你,科林和貝基瓦
這是非常感人的,幸運的是我得到這樣的消息 – “奇蹟”癒合幾乎每天都
這是偉大的,你要做出這樣的財政承擔,以核心 – 但所有其他人誰與我聯繫與這一請求,我 會說,我從來不提倡把自己或別人,是 非常接近你的心臟 – 缺乏信息的距離, 也導致以公知的事實,即
“皮匠沒鞋穿”,醫生對待自己的人 最糟糕的健康狀況。因此,它是建議你 繼續治療埃爾加曾做過這樣一個偉大的工作 – 明白,你花的時間和精力開車到那裡的 也有一部分療法 – 斯特拉的癒合方程
我知道,現在從癌症的直接威脅消失後, 你的女兒需要治療,她她的感覺 自和我想不出更好的東西比生物LaesEr,如果 埃爾加沒有它 – 也許你可以找到一種方法,和她一起工作 得到它的
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About Author

Inergetix Founder Born on 1962 in Stuttgart/Germany, Founding of the Instrument Systems Corp Munich.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt